Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ubuntu Fever - part 1

As promised, I installed the new Ubuntu release (6.06 - Dapper Drake!) into my laptop. When you boot up (well actually even at the point of the downloading the ISO) you realize that the there is no live CD / install CD nonsense anymore. All is one CD and it is quite convenient.
As I booted off the CD into Linux (Quite fast too for a live CD) it gives me a nice 'install me' icon in the desktop. But when I moved on to installing I was in for two surprises

1. My first play with ntfsresize had partial effects on the disk. Ubuntu still sees a big fat NTFS partition but Windows didn't think so. However Ubuntu has a really good GUI based partitioner which does the job nicely.
2. It never asked me about installing the boot loader - GRUB. I wanted to change the boot loader later but it never asked and installed the thing starightaway. Well - its not a problem but I've lost the recovery option at startup !

However the installtion worked great , like a charm. I am still to install JDK and other stuff I need into the Linux system. All in all it tells you how far the linux systems have come from the geeks tool to laymans OS.


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